
Zibo Luhua Hongjin New
Material Group Co.,Ltd


Product Center
Hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins
Product classification
Hydrocarbon Resins
Packaging and Storage
Packaging:25kg multi-wall paper bags or large supper bags of 500kg or 1000kg.
Storage:Store at room temperature. Avoid light and heat.
Product introduction

Product features:

Luhua hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins are high quality, multi-purpose, water-white thermoplastic resins produced by polymerization and hydrogenation of hydrocarbon olefin monomers, and show good thermal stability and compatibility

technical parameter
GradesColor (Hazen)Softening(°C)Application
HD1100≤50100-109Hygiene and packing adhesives,
HD1110≤50110-119Hygiene and packing adhesives,
HD1120≤50120-129Hygiene and packing adhesives,
HD1130≤50128-133Hygiene and packing adhesives,
Product application

Luhua hydrogenated hydrocarbon resin can be used in high-end hot-melt adhesives for hygiene products, as well as hot-melt pressure-sensitive adhesives and other adhesive products.

秦皇岛市| 白河县| 庆安县| 泰顺县| 临泽县| 定结县| 策勒县| 响水县| 仪征市| 视频| 贵州省| 夏津县| 乌鲁木齐市| 横峰县| 巴楚县| 红安县| 个旧市| 玉田县| 绍兴县| 桑植县| 临泽县| 错那县| 耒阳市| 韶山市| 泰来县| 平果县| 泗洪县| 黄陵县| 张家港市| 莫力| 长治县| 蒙阴县| 河东区| 木兰县| 岢岚县| 阜新| 边坝县| 仁怀市| 镇宁| 上栗县| 饶平县|